Phone (USA): 860.833.4072
Tailored to your needs - this is our forte. Find music that is a good fit for your instrumentalists and your service needs.

Our commitment to matching the music you need, tailored to your instrumentalists is what sets TheMasterWorks apart. We'll get it done quickly, at a reasonable cost, and maintain a standard of excellence. If you don't find what you need, Call for Consultation (C4C).
How we can help...

TMW offers the following customization services:

From our Catalog:

New arrangements, orchestrations, or compositions:

*If you request an arrangement or orchestration of copyrighted music, TMW will research the copyright and if necessary, purchase a contract on your behalf. The fees generally range from $15 to $160, depending on the publisher. Sometimes, with smaller ensembles, the publisher will grant gratis permission. For more information, contact us.

Can't find something? ... please send us an email
Phone (USA): 860.833.4072 TMWtear