Phone (USA): 860.833.4072
Literary Submission Process

A combination of literature, scripture, and music. If you have a story, poem, devotional, or prayer call us or use the process below.
TMW Literary Check List:
STEP 1: Gather your content:
The literary work should be your original work and contain the following:
  1. A short story, poem, prayer or devotional
  2. A reference to Scripture
  3. A reference or citation from a hymn or music source*
  4. A personal copyright (e.g. Copyright © 2007. Your Name. All Rights Reserved)
* If copyrights apply to the music, then reference must be given to the copyright owner.
Call if you need assistance with this.

STEP 2: Format your documents.
The format should:
  1. Be in .pdf, MS Word, or other standard word processing file
  2. Be accompanied by a second document with brief biographical information about yourself.
STEP 3: Submit your documents.
  1. These two documents should be sent via email to:
  2. Only one submission should be sent at a time.**
**If you would like to become a regular contributor, please call: 860.833.4072

NOTE: When you make your submission to TMW, you maintain ownership of your work. You agree that the contents are your intellectual and artistic property. You agree to become the responsible party for any liability that might be incurred from your submission. You release TheMasterWorks, LLC from any liability, legal or otherwise. TheMasterWorks, LLC reserves the right to screen all submissions.

Click on the link to open a printer friendly version of this information.

Click here to view a sample of a story with scripture and music references

Phone (USA): 860.833.4072 TMWtear